Banksy’s New London Murals: A Commentary on Far-Right Unrest
Banksy has confirmed five new murals that appeared within a day of each other in London. Far-right riots in the U.K. have sparked online speculation about the meaning behind Banksy’s animal metaphors, as he is known for his political commentary. Since the 1990s, Banksy‘s satirical street art and subversive epigrams have combined dark humor with […]
Glastonbury Festival 2024: Celebrating Diversity and Social Consciousness
The Glastonbury Festival, a leading performing arts festival held annually in Somerset, England, focused on the theme of migration this year. Performances by Banksy and Marina Abramović explored finding peace amidst war, celebrating diversity, and the importance of kindness and humility. Established in 1970, Glastonbury is celebrated not only for its diverse lineup of music performances […]